Milestones to the Miraculous : Book by Dr. John G. L. Burpee
Milestones to the Miraculous exerpt

Milestones to the Miraculous : Book by Dr. John G. L. Burpee

There are so many people that need a miracle, a healing, or even a breakthrough. I believe as you read each chapter of this book you will discover Biblical principles with simple applications that will help you receive all that God intends for you.

Milestones to the Miraculous is about discovering your identity, your God-given purpose. It is about coming into alignment with God’s Word and His ways. It is about receiving and releasing. As you go through each chapter, you will find yourself getting set free of a religious mindset and coming into all of what the Kingdom of God offers. You will also learn to operate from your spirit and to hear God’s voice.

As you come to the end of this book, you will know how to engage, receive, and release the Kingdom of God. Releasing salvation, miracles, signs, wonders, deliverance, and empowerment on earth as it is in heaven.

This book will inspire you to go into all the world, take territory, advancing the Kingdom of God.

Enjoy the ride!

Where to Find Milestones to the Miraculous

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